French Company Formation for Sole Proprietors

Europe Incorporations

Introduction Choosing the limited liability corporation (LLC) structure in forming your company in France will save you money. It is important for the future of your business. You need to understand the differences. In other articles, we explored the differences between France’s original limited liability corporate structures – the SARL and the SAS. Here, we […]

Forming a Company in France – Options to Reduce Payroll Taxes and Social Costs

Europe Incorporations

The social and fiscal regimes of the different legal forms of company formation in France are the most challenging for our clients to understand. This is because even the French cannot understand them. Point of Departure – Choose the Right LLC Structure Your company’s social charges “contributions” in France depend, first and foremost, on the […]

What is the Difference Between Assimilated and Non-Salaried “TNS” Employees in France?

Europe Incorporations

For company executives, depending on the legal form of the company and the percentage of shares they hold, two statuses are available: “Assimilated Employee” or Non-Salaried Worker “TNS” (Travailleurs Non-Salarié). Like an employee, company executives considered “assimilated employees” receive a salary and are affiliated with the general social security system. Like any employee, these executives […]

What is a Non-Salaried Employee (“TNS”) in France?

Europe Incorporations

In familiarizing you with the conditions of operating a company in France, we do our best to explain situations as simple as possible. However, some are quite complex and difficult to follow – all the more reason you need local experts like us to guide you through the process. Worker/manager types and the social security […]

Management and Leadership Structure in Forming a Company in France

Manager, Partner, Director, President?  We often use these terms interchangeably. But in creating a company in France, depending on the legal entity form, they take on different meanings, have different roles and responsibilities, fall into different employee categories, have different tax implications, and fall under different social regimes with different financial implications. So it is […]

How Much Share Capital You Need to Form a Company in France

Europe Incorporations

Limited Liability Companies (LLC)  The first step in creating a company in France is choosing the corporate form that best suits your business activity and optimizes your taxes and social charges paid to the state. This requires a clear understanding of the inhere nuisances. Although Europe Incorporations will set up any legal entity structure of […]

What are the Main LLC Type for Company Formation in France? – SARL vs SAS

Introduction The SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée) is France’s foundational limited liability company (LLC). It has been around forever. However, the SAS (Société Par Actions Simplifiée), lesser-known outside France, is also a robust limited liability company (LLC), often more suitable for flexible operations than the SARL. If you are a sole person, your choice is between the […]

How Can Foreigners Form a Non-Resident Company in France?

Europe Incorporations

In our FAQs, we give a basic answer to a  question Europe Incorporations’ clients and potentials often ask: “What are the essentials of creating a company in France?” Your valid identification documents. Draft your articles of incorporation.  Publish incorporation in a local gazette. Open a bank account and get your share capital certificate. Get you […]

Registering Your Trademark in France

Bringing a Trademark to Life To make a brand live, the owner must first create one that identifies his business and brand (visual identity, logo). Legal registration must then follow to protect the brand. Once this is done, the owner has sole and full exploitation rights. Registration Registering a trademark with the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI […]

French Company Formation – SASU (LLC) in a Nutshell

Single Person LLC A SASU is a single-person limited liability company(LLC) whose founder/entrepreneur is the sole shareholder. They determine the capital and the rules of organization of the company belong. This single shareholder unilaterally makes all important decisions for the company. The operating rules of the SASU are adaptable and flexible because they are based […]

What is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe?

Europe Incorporations

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) France adopted the GDPR (RGPD – Règlement général de la protection des données) on May 25, 2018. GDPR  governs the collection and processing of personal data in the European Union to strengthen the protection of the rights and freedoms of internet users, among others. The collection and processing of personal […]

Accounting Outsourcing in France

Accounting/bookkeeping is the recording and classifying of business transactions according to defined assertions (rules) that establish the timing of occurrence, valuation, and accuracy of each transaction recorded. A business’s taxes, profit, loss, retained earnings, and entire financial health are governed by these assertions (rules). Regardless of size, having the right accounting/bookkeeping service is critical to […]

e-Commerce In Europe – Opportunities & Challenges

Global-View According to, e-commerce now accounts for more than three-quarters of all retail estimates global e-commerce sales at about $4.891 trillion in 2021 – an increase of 14.3% over 2020. This is significant, given that 2020 had seen a world in the throes of Covid-19, where e-commerce was the only game in town. […]

Reimagining Work – Virtual/Distance Working

It seems like a century ago since roaming executives, consultants, and business professionals we were excitedly glued to their Blackberries and video conference rooms as the means to keep in touch. Well, though not a century ago, it was indeed the last century. Since then, Smart Digital Devices (SDD) that enable flexible work has multiplied […]

From Outsourcing to Software as a Service (SaaS)

Business Process Outsourcing The 1990s heralded the era of outsourcing. While the politics of manufacturing and call-center outsourcing made both hot-button issues for the public and bouncing ball for politicians, less noticed was the outsourcing of non-core transactional business processes by major companies during the same period. I started my career at the American Express […]

From the Phoenicians to SaaS & Gig Economy: Legacy Obsolescence in the Digital Era

Early Commerce – the Phoenicians & Africans  The history and evolution of trade have always straddled two primary dialectics: (a) expeditious delivery of goods and services to the marketplace [medium of exchange] and (b) securing payment [mode of exchange]. Way before catchphrases like “unleashing value” would appear in our lexicon, the father of history, Herodotus, […]